وتنطلق المشاريع التي يقودها الطلاب من مبادرة الطلاب ويتم زراعتها في المختبر من خلال التوجيه الدقيق والطعام المجاني.


يتبع فيلم Burj Shadow دوران أطول ظل في العالم بواسطة دعامة من صنع الإنسان.


CHIME – Characterising Human Immunodeficiency in Microgravity Environments explores the effects of Microgravity on Monocyte to Macrophage Differentiation.

Glacier gLiDAR is a payload mounted on an autonomous vehicle to scan the surface features of recently-cleaved glacier faces.

Log Invent

LogInvent is a novel inventory management system currently being tested inside NYU Abu Dhabi Engineering Design Studio.

Reef Rover

The reefRover is a submersible drone that autonomously scans marine environments and enables researchers and citizen scientists to collaboratively gather well-structured image data about coral reefs at unprecedented rates.


RoadWatch provides tools to support safer driving in the UAE.

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